Our beautiful new Dining Guide 2016-2017 is available now as a detachable booklet in
The Santa Fe Reporter Restaurant Guide 2016-2017.
We've created a pocket sized food advisor to help you explore Santa Fe's restaurant landscape. Reach in your pocket and ask our guide where to eat. It lists all members of the Greater Santa Fe Restaurant Association and now you have a big taste of the town at your fingertips.
Please contact Diana Trujillo at 505-303-3045 or if you would like to get some copies of the pocket sized GSFRA Dining Guide for your restaurant or pick up a copy of the SF Reporter Restaurant Guide including the GSFRA Dining Guide at one of the locations below:
Buffalo Thunder Resort & Casino
City Shoe Repair
Collected works Bookstore
Eldorado Hotel & Spa
Eye Associates
Fitness Plus
Fort Marcy Recreation Complex
Garrett's Desert Inn
Genoveva Chavez Community Center
Harold Runnels Building
Hilton Santa Fe
Hotel St. Francis
Hotel Santa Fe
Hyatt Place
Inn and Spa at Loretto
Inn at Santa Fe
Inn of the Governors
Inn on the Alameda
Kokoman Liqueurs, Pojoaque
Manhattan Street and Guadalupe Street corner
Mesa Public Library, Los Alamos
La Montanita Co-op
Montoya Building
NM State Library
Old Santa Fe Inn
Las Palomas Hotel
La Posada de Santa Fe
Residence Inn
Rosewood Inn of the Anasazi
Santa Fe Chamber of Commerce
Santa Fe Convention Center
Santa Fe Plaza
Santa Fe Public School Administration Building
Santa Fe Sage Inn
Santa Fe South Side Library
Santa Fe Spa
Santa Fe University of Art and Design
Santa Fe Visitor's Center
Santa Fe Community College
Sports Medicine Center
State Capitol Building
State Education Building
State Employees Credit Union
State History Library
Rancho Viejo Village Market
Vitamin Cottage
Water Street Parking Lot